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Nature Future Synergy


Winds Whisper

In the northeast of Taiwan, the Guanyin district of Taoyuan stands as a testament to relentless winds. This region’s coastal plateau, constantly swept by strong gusts, naturally lends itself to the development of wind power. This characteristic has birthed a line of majestic wind turbines along the Guanyin coast, where the striking white blades against the azure sky inadvertently craft an elegant and distinctive spatial imagery.

Among these turbines stands ‘Winds Whisper,’ a wind-powered kinetic art installation comprising 45 individual units of optical lenses arranged into a vertical structure. These lens units harness the power of the wind, rotating and reflecting the natural light changes, creating a mesmerizing spectacle of the wind’s dance through the interplay of light. Augmenting this visual display are embedded LED lights within the units, accentuating the shifts in wind intensity. The LEDs dynamically adjust their brightness in sync with the wind’s strength, intensifying as the wind grows stronger. Remarkably, ‘Winds Whisper’ achieves this without the aid of additional mechanical or electrical equipment, showcasing the harmonious fusion of ‘art’ and ‘nature’ through eco-friendly and low-carbon creative methods.

This artistic marvel not only adorns Guanyin’s cityscape but also symbolically intertwines its past and future. In the past, the steadfast turbines along the shore dutifully powered the daily lives of many. Looking ahead, ‘Winds Whisper’ embodies a sincere blessing for the city, carrying the aspirations of its inhabitants. It continues to spin the winds of progress, charting a course for the city’s development towards a vast and magnificent future. Simultaneously, it champions the creation of a wind-powered, environmentally friendly landscape, embracing green energy and fostering a low-carbon environment.


Winds Whisper


#lighting #kinetic






Metal, Motor, LED, Fresnel lens


3 (m) x 3 (m) x 5.6 (m)

Film production

Liu Che Chun


Liu Che Chun


darc award winner, 2023

桃園市觀音區草漯地區以「沙丘」地景遠近馳名,其週邊孕育了富饒的自然生態,風能量豐富、分佈廣泛,適合風力發電的開發,一整排壯麗的風力發電機沿著海岸線排列,醒目的白色葉片在湛藍的天空下意外的塑造出優雅而獨特的空間意象。《風的信號》藉由這樣獨特的意象發想,在「桃園市觀音區多功能場館」的廣場上,以45 組風動機構結合LED 發光模組構成,透鏡單體元件將透過自然風力的吹動,不斷翻轉、映射出自然光的粼粼變化,藉由光的流動呈現風吹拂的動態景象。《風的信號》並不使用額外的機電設備去改變其形態,透過綠能、低碳的創作手法,讓民眾感受自然風貌的實時變化,展現「藝術」與「自然」結合的無限可能。


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